Tuesday, April 27, 2010
the truth itself
Dad and mum always tell me,
speak nothing but the truth,
or you would let the Evil One win.
And I trusted that, well I still do!
an apple a day ...
An apple a day, keeps the doctor away.
It’s the only phrase cum idiom that comes to my mind when I pretend to be a genius.
Yes, I am an honest writer am I not?
Well... this is a story about life...MY life and things that happen around me or to people who are around me, or who were.
Day by day, things change. The way people react to life.
It has been a month since I left school. Since my friends and I have not met each other.
I should say things have definitely changed in my life.
I come from a family of six, my parents and four siblings who love each other, although we do not show it in obvious ways.
About a year ago, the 6th of January, 2009, Melissa my eldest sister immigrated to the land Down Under. It was hard to let go, especially with the one and only niece of ours, the first grandchild of mum and dad. But mum says, we got to face the distance between us and her little family, we need to, or else, there would be nothing, no progress in our lives. So we faced the fact and __________ the distance.
We faced the fact so much that when Jada, our niece and grandchild came back from Australia recently, we kissed her too many times that she got addicted to it. I tell you, kids are amazing. They are innocent and huggable, they take time to observe, listen and interpret every tiny detail. Jada is a good talker. She is the most adorable baby, and she would always remain my baby. She is already going to be four years old, yet I still call her baby, well I think it is mainly because she brings the joy and sparkles to all our lives.
We skype often to keep in touch. They seem so happy, and I hope they would always be. I know God has been with our entire family. I know that for sure. My dad always reminds me of his background and how God has been gracious to him and all of us. I have learnt, humbleness is what matters in life. There are times we have to show our knowledge, yet in a nice way. A nice way ...yes, that is what matters.
my story
Monday, April 26, 2010
if i were a boy ...

if i were a boy... " i'd listen to her, cause i know how it hurts... when you lose the one you wanted cause he's taking you for granted and everything you had got destroyed. " - BEYONCE -