Wednesday, December 15, 2010

sperm cells!

okay so there i was at the LOVE & LIFE malam ria full of the youths from all the churches.

and then i see a dude i met just a couple of months ago, and i said,
''OMG, you know, i got mistaken with you and you're brother! YOU TWO LOOK sooooOOOO alike!''

and damn, his reply really stuck to my head and made me laugh!

he said, " well, we share the same sperm cells". - EPIC!-

Saturday, December 11, 2010

DECEMBER and exams dont mix well!

exams soon, and its december, and its christmas.
exams soon, and its december and its full of parties.
exams soon. EXAMS SOON! and what am i studying? PARTIES AND DRESSES?! =___="



Tuesday, December 7, 2010


without us, you all would be like a bunch of ..... *are you sure you want me to fill this up?* ???

Monday, December 6, 2010

all we ask for...

okay so here we are, the young ones in the community of worship want to create a change and refresh the minds of others and we get no support at all from the higher levelled people?
i mean, COMEEEE ONNN!!!!

cant you see that we are trying our best?
and if best is not good enough, tell me them what is!?

this is how frustrating it is,
all brainstorming was done for about 2 weeks, depriving us from a lot of other things,
ask us WHY???
WELL, IT's obviously BECAUSE WE WANT TO SERVE GOD through the planned activity.
ANDDDDDD to prove others that we stand for GOD. not for the fun of wasting our time and energy!
imagine, getting all excited and full of the spirit in you, and getting a slap on the face?! yeah, that sucks ain't it?

all we ask, for heaven's sake is for all your support.
